All my naughty little thoughts
otherwise known as my blog.
This blog has been discontinued. If you are still interested in what is going on in my life you can find my livejournal here 5/29/03 - I've gotten a little crazy with Photoshop. I made fan art, I made link buttons; I'm just having so much fun with it. Also, I'm crazy in love with Faith/Angel as a ship right now. I'm not sure why; I mean everyone knows she belongs with Wesley (right?), but for some reason F/A is all I want to write, and the photo manips of the two of them practically make themselves. Well, actually, I busted my ass making those, but you get my point! 4/28/03 - So, I've been having problems uploading to my site. Consequently this blog hasn't been updated in a couple months. Here's a brief recap of what's new in my life: I went to bartending school. I graduated this past Saturday. It was so much fun, and I met a lot of wonderful people. Plus, I'm a bartender now. Rock! I'm moving to Georgia in a couple weeks. I have all my stuff packed up, and I'll be heading off pretty soon. I'm moving in with Carol. My best friend is going to be my roommate. Woohoo! I moved the website. Geocities was being in a huge pain in my ass, not letting me upload, and then not responding to my numerous emails requesting assistance. So I said, "Fuck 'em!" 2/05/03 - Wow, I haven't updated this sucker in forever! Okay, I went down to Georgia to visit my best friend, so I suppose I'll put up some of my stories from the visit. Check it out: First night I get into town, we go
out to a bar with this guy (Roelle) that Carol is sort of involved with (read -
having crazy, naked sex, but not officially "together"). Everything is cool,
except I have to drink fucking Smirnoff Ice because it’s not a full bar; no Jack
and Coke for me (and I can’t stomach beer). We have a lot of fun – we’re
drinking, we’re smoking, we play a little air hockey (yeah, we’re 12) – and then
this other guy (Orlando) shows up. **** Sunday, the second day I was there,
wound up being kind of a day of recovery. Carol had to work a double so I took a
shower and slept quite a bit. Watched the Super Bowl, even though I didn’t
really give a rat’s ass about it. 12/28/02 - Fan Fiction Pet Peeves Okay, I've seen most or all
of these in bad fic and they just make an already horrible piece of writing even
worse. Some of these I've seen in really great fic so I try to ignore them, but
they still bug me. 12/19/02 - Spike vs. Angel? Fuck that. I want 'em both! I’m taking the risk of being pelted with produce by all the Angel haters for saying this, but… I like Angel. I like the character. I like the show. I even like DB’s portrayal of Angel. Sure, he won’t be moving on to a big time movie career any time soon or winning any Oscars, but I think he does well with what he’s got. I like brooding Angel, I like Angel in pain, I like ass-kicking Angel, I like the evil that is Angelus, and I think I probably love goofy Angel best of all. I know a lot of people can’t stand goofy Angel, but I think he’s frickin’ hilarious. The dancing, the silliness, the occasional clumsiness – it’s all great. I also like Spike. No, scratch that; I love Spike. I loved him when he was evil, I loved him when he was all morally ambiguous, and I continue to love him now that he has a soul. Sure, I’d like to see Spike being all snarky and kickass, but I’m also enjoying the tortured vamp bit. Also, JM’s acting? Phenomenal! I’ve never felt a need to compare the two of them, in the sense of one being better than the other. I don’t think either one of them is better; they’re just different. Angel was cursed with a soul and now he tries to help the helpless; occasionally he stumbles. Spike got a government chip, fell in love with Buffy, and sought a soul so he could be a better man. Maybe one is better than the other, maybe not. I don’t really care. I like them both, I’m invested in both their journeys and I don’t feel I have to hate one of them because I love the other. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I think JM is nine kinds of gorgeous, but I also think DB looks pretty good too. (I definitely wouldn’t kick the guy out of bed.) So I’ve never understood the whole thing about DB being a big, ugly lug. Yes, I prefer JM’s look, but I don’t think DB is disgusting. I mean, on the one hand we have tall, broad, and dark, and on the other we have compact, light, and chiseled – it’s the perfect contrast. I could have SO much fun playing with the two of them. Mmm… yeah, baby! Having said all that, I must also say that I am a die-hard B/S shipper. Angel and Buffy had their time, and it made for some wonderful, painful angst, but it’s over now and ultimately I’d like Buffy to be with Spike. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen. I also want to say that I understand some people just don’t like Angel, and that’s fine with me. If you don’t like the character (or the actor), then you just don’t, and you’re entitled to your opinion. I’m cool with it. I just wanted to make my feelings clear. (Doesn’t mean I don’t love seeing Spike beat Angel with a stick – that’s some good stuff!) Anyway, to recap – I love Spike. I love Angel. They’re both hot. Yeah. That about sums it up! 12/16/02 - Voting is now open at for the Eternity Awards so get your ass over there and vote for me! The link is on the main page (and also further down on this page, I think.) Yep, I checked - my 12/02 entry has the link. 12/12/02 - I
came very close to punching a Mormon in the face this morning. No offense to any
Mormons who may read this - I'm sure you're very nice - but why must you come to
my door in the morning and try to foist your religion upon me? I have nothing
against Mormons in general (or Jehovah's witnesses either), but if I wanted to
be part of your religion I would come to your church. Don't corner me in my home
first thing in the morning and expect me to invite you in so you can tell me all
about how I should be living my life or whatever. Because if I wanted someone to
tell me how to live my life I'd invite my mother-in-law to live with me. 12/08/02 - I'm reading Hard Candy by wisteria and annie sewell-jennings. It's just so friggin' amazing. I haven't finished it yet because I got through with 'Drop Out' and sat here sobbing like a baby. I'm going to try to finish it now, but if you haven't read it, you should. It's absolutely amazing. 12/06/02
- I gotta say, I absolutely love Coldplay; they have some very beautiful
songs, but listening to their music makes me sad. 12/03/02 - 'A Kiss Before Waking' is nominated in the Precious Illusions fanfiction awards. I should be saying 'Yay!', right? Well, guess who I'm up against. Go ahead, guess. Nautibitz for In Heat, Dee Bradfield for Shades of Gray, and Valerie X for Super Food World. Yeah, I have a shot. (That was sarcasm you heard there.) Nice to be nominated though. 12/02/02 - Wow, I haven't updated my blog in ages! Okay, quick update with more detail later - I loved the last Buffy ep. Thanksgiving was great, and I had lots of fun with my family. If you like my stories you need to go to The Eternity Awards and vote for me. Voting hasn't started yet, but keep checking and help me win! 11/18/02 - Tonight's episode of Angel was just frickin' brilliant. I loved, loved, loved the fight scenes. Wesley just gets more manly every week. When he pulled out the guns and started shooting I was in awe, and don't even get me started on when he pulled out the shotgun. Whoo, baby! Fred kinda pissed me off with her whole attitude towards Gunn. She told Wesley that one of the things she loved about Gunn was that he would never do something like that (vengeance killing) so I knew it was gonna be a big problem when he killed that guy. But still... could she be any more of a hypocrite? She expected Gunn to just accept her killing someone, but then gets all 'don't touch me' when he does it for her? Bitch. I was actually starting to like her, but now I think she just needs to be slapped. And now for what bothered me the most: Connor and Cordelia - There is not enough yuck in the world to describe how I feel about these two gettin' it on. First of all, she was there when he was born; she changed his diapers and cuddled him when he was a baby, for God's sake! The idea that she would have sex with him is just disgusting. Second, these two have zero chemistry. Maybe that's what ME is going for, but even when they weren't making with the kissing their scenes just held no appeal. I don't buy for a second that she would feel that close to him, and I find it odd that he's in love with her considering they've spent very little time together up until now. Third, so she doesn't want to be with Angel right now - that's fine - but she did say she loved him. The world is ending and instead of being worried or concerned about her friends or the man she loves she's having sex with Angel's son? What the fuck ever. Fourth, how is this 'something real' for Connor? Okay, so he gets to have sex with the woman he loves, but really - why is that so great? She doesn't love him, he knows she doesn't love him, and I don't think he's even really in love with her. ME bumped his age up to 18 so the sex is all legal and aboveboard, but he's still emotionally stunted. All he's know is pain and death and he's still trying to figure out who and what he is. I don't think it was very wise of Cordy to have comfort sex with a boy who is still, for all intents and purposes, a confused child. I don't think she's doing him any favors. And also, it's Just. So. Sickening. In non-BtVS/Angel news, I twisted my ankle today and almost fell. It hurt ALOT. Also, you have GOT to go read mr. monkeybottom's blog (the one about rejected Penthouse letters). I laughed and laughed and laughed till it hurt. Then, just when I thought I had myself under control, I laughed and laughed again. Seriously. Go. Now. Read it. I got an email from Miss Murchison today and she very nearly made me cry. I'm planning to reply to her at length later, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that she is just unbelievably sweet. She sent me some wonderful feedback on all my stories and it really meant more to me than words can say. Thank you, Miss Murchison. Everyone needs to go read your work and shower you with lavish (and well deserved) praise. 11/15/02 - So I'm still hanging in there with Firefly (I'm nothing if not loyal), and I've discovered that I'm a Jayne/River shipper. Weird? Yes. Crazy? Kinda. BUT I think it's possible. He just seems to hate her SO much, and I think it would be kinda cool if he fell for her. Plus, he's such a cold-hearted, badass, son-of-a-bitch that it seems only right that he should fall for the little crazy chick. As for her falling for him - he's a handsome, rugged, badass, mercenary type; what's not to like? Plus, I'm betting he'd be really good at fighting off the bad guys that want to kidnap her and, you know, protecting her in general. I was going to talk about this week's Buffy, but then I read mr. monkeybottom's blog and anything I say will just pale in comparison. Damn you, monkeybottoms! Damn you to hell! I'm kidding, of course; I love monkeybottoms. She's so damn funny, not to mention talented and sexy and... Mmmm, monkeybottoms.... Okay, got distracted there for a second. So, if you want to know what I thought of Buffy, only way funnier, go read it. Also, a couple of my stories were nominated in the Shades of Grey Awards. That noise you hear is me squealing in delight! Wheeeee! 11/09/02 - So I thought this week's Buffy was hilarious. Xander and Spike hanging out, saving the day, and running around like kids? Sign me up for that! I loved The Plan - laughed my ass off - and the tug of war over the rocket launcher amused me to no end. Can't wait for next week. We were talking at Valerie's board about Firefly, and several of us think that the actor and actress that play the doctor and his sister don't exactly have a brother-sister chemistry going. I buy them as a couple more than I buy him and Kaylee. Weird. Anyway, that's about it. Not much going on so not much to blog about. 11/02/02 - I just watched The Ring, and let me just tell you it rocked. I haven't seen such a good scary movie in a long, long time. You know how lately scary movies rely on gore and violence? I hate that. Gore is not scary; it's gross, I'll give them that, but scary it is not. Scary to me is when you sit all tensed up for an hour and a half, filled with dread at what might be around the next corner, and then when you see it you flinch. Not because it's gross or disgusting, but because it's frightening and creepy and you know there's more to come. And then when it's all over you're still shaking from the adrenaline rush. This movie was intense and creepy and very good. If you like scary movies go see it; if you don't like scary movies, this is definitely not for you. And may I say that fourteen and fifteen year olds need to be chained up and gagged and kept in the house until they're mature enough to handle going to the movies on their own. I am so sick of listening to noisy ass kids laughing and talking during the movie. I remember being that age and I remember being silly with my friends, but I know I never went to a movie with my friends, sat on opposite sides of the theater, and then proceeded to shout and yell to my friends twenty feet away during an intense, suspenseful portion of the movie. Little bastards. And yeah, I know I probably sound old, but you know what? When I pay eight bucks for a frickin' movie I think I deserve to enjoy it without listening to Joe Bob yelling to his buddy about some chicks ass. You know what else bugs me at the movies? You know how sometimes there's an inspiring speech in a movie or someone gives an especially moving performance? Why do people feel the need to clap? I mean, yeah, great, you appreciate the performance, but THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU!! It's a movie; they're pictures on a screen. It's not like you're at a play where clapping in appreciation actually means something. You're in a dark theater with a bunch of strangers. Nobody gives a rat's ass about your applause. Anyway, that didn't happen at this movie, but I've seen it before and it's annoying. As are people who scream at scary movies. I have jumped a little when something startles me or the bad guy jumps out from behind something, but I have NEVER screamed while watching a movie - in the theater or at home. Although it is pretty damn startling when the person next to you lets out a frightened squeal. THAT scares me more than the movie. Bunch of amateurs! Learn how to control your frickin' response. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I grew up in a family that reveled in hiding in dark places and jumping out at you when you least expected it so I learned early on how to control my impulse to scream. I don't think you ever get over flinching, but screaming can be controlled; it's not that hard. I used to release that nervous tension in a flurry of fists on whoever had the misfortune of scaring me, but I've learned to control that impulse too. It's all about control. Learn it. Use it. And quit yelling in my fucking ear! 10/28/02 - I watched CSI: Miami tonight, and man do I need to start checking the TV Guide before I watch this stuff. It was about the search for a murdering pedophile. Needless to say I felt sick to my stomach afterward and more than a little sad. I really can't handle stuff like that. It would be horrible enough to think about if stuff like that never happened in the world. Since that kind of thing goes on every damn day, it makes my heart hurt to think about all those poor children suffering such barbaric cruelties. Same goes for all those movies and TV shows that depict child abuse. I can't even begin to comprehend the kind of mind that would even consider doing such things. When I hear about stuff like that all it does is prove to me that there is real evil in the world (although I pretty much knew that to begin with), and that's scary in a way I don't like to think about. I can't even talk about this anymore because it's just too upsetting. Anyway, here is a website where you can find out how to help prevent child abuse, and here is a group trying to pass harsher laws for sex offenders. I only scanned the second one so I can't say whether I agree with everything they want to do, but you might want to check it out. Hopefully my next blog entry won't be quite so sad and depressing. One more thing - Oh yeah, is all wonky and says I don't exist today for some reason. Don't believe 'em, people! I'm still there. Hopefully they'll fix it 'cause it's really starting to bug me. 10/25/02 - Okay, I'm getting ready to rant here so if ranting offends you - look away now. I know alot of people read the Babyverse fan fiction and enjoy it, and that's fine, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but many people don't like it and so the Babyverse stories get mentioned in the badfic thread over at TWoP. Alot. Well, last night several of the Babyverse people came over to TWoP's Badfic thread and started posting long drawn out posts defending their work (which is decidedly off-topic and the mod had to step in a couple times) so now the thread is locked. I am extremely upset about this because that was my favorite thread over there, and the people were hilarious (I am so gonna miss mikelesq). Now I understand it can be sad to find out people don't like your fic, but if you venture into a thread specifically titled 'Bad Buffy Fic' then you should try to handle it maturely rather than breaking the rules and getting the thread shut down because that spoils everyone's fun. I must say that this does not endear the Babyverse people to me. If they wanted to discuss the merits of their work there is a Deep Thoughts thread in which they could have done it; it's allowed over there. As a matter of fact some of them did discuss it in that thread, but only after several long-winded posts in the Badfic thread. I know it wasn't completely the fault of the Babyverse people that the thread got shut down. They did some wrong things, then people broke the rules to respond to them, and also Ace is a bitch of the highest order (she's the one that locked it). I'm just very upset about the thread being gone, and the Babyverse people kinda got the ball rolling so they incurred a little of my wrath. Now I want to take a second to say that I don't hate the Babyverse people, nor am I putting down the people that read their stories. I'm not even saying all their writing is crap. I'm just saying I didn't like that the thread got shut down. Now on to a related rant: Why do some people feel that they must force you to like their writing? I'm cool with people defending their writing against what they perceive to be misconceptions and/or hurtful insult, but if I don't like your story, I don't like it. Period. End of discussion. I am entitled to my opinion just as others are entitled to theirs. I don't have to give a dissertation on the whys and wherefores of my reasoning for not enjoying a story. I got enough of that crap when I was in school; I don't need it in my leisure time. Some people don't like Mary Sues in a story; they just DON'T. It is NOT a personal attack on your family so don't act like it is and try to tell me that I should just read more because you're sure I'd like it if I just read ALL the stories. I don't have to read all the frickin' stories; I don't have to read ANY of the frickin' stories if I don't want to. People can write whatever the hell they want, but that doesn't mean I'm required to like it OR read it. I am so sick of people trying to foist their opinions on others and then acting like anyone who disagrees with them is an idiot. I am NOT an idiot, my friends are NOT idiots. People who disrespect the opinions of others are idiots. If you can't deal with people having differing opinions maybe you should go live in a cave somewhere and write your Mary Sue stories to your heart's content. Just stay the fuck away from me because while I will recognize your right to do what you want, think what you want, say what you want, and write what you want, I WILL NOT put up with your attempt to take those rights from me or to force your views upon me. If you're writing a story it is not my responsibility to "learn to like it". It is the author's job to write an engaging story (although I think you should always write for yourself first). If I am not engaged, I won't read it. That doesn't mean it's a bad story; it just means it's not for me, and I have the right not to like it. I don't have to give you convincing arguments on its merits or lack thereof, and I don't have to reevaluate my opinion just because other people like the story. Because it's MY opinion, and I am allowed to have it. Whether you think so or not. Here endeth the rant. 10/22/02 - I swear, if I get one more email about penis enlargement I'm going to have to start kicking some ass. It wouldn't bother me if I got one every now and then, but it's EVERY DAY and like, twenty a day. First of all, I am NOT a man so I have no need for this service. My email addy is kittyb90, and I'm fairly certain that doesn't give the impression that I AM a man. And let's just suppose they know I'm a woman and they think maybe I want to pass the advertisement from the people at penis enlargements - r - us on to the man they think might be in my life. What the hell kind of crap thinking is that? There is no way in hell I would ever say to some guy, "Don't you think your penis is a little small? Maybe these people could help you." And I'm pretty sure if I did ever say that to a guy it wouldn't be very well received. Also, if I was a guy and I wanted my penis enlarged would it really be a wise choice to go through a company that had emailed me about it? I'm thinking, maybe not. I read mr.monkeybottom's blog yesterday and she was talking about how creepy the movie The Exorcist is. I just want to take this opportunity to say that I agree with her wholeheartedly. I absolutely LOVE scary movies. I like the suspense and that feeling you get when something jumps out and surprises you. I watch horror flicks all the time, and yeah sometimes they're pretty creepy, but they never bother me. Not deep down anyway; I usually forget about that pulse pounding feeling fairly soon after the movie is over. The Exorcist continues to bother me to this day. I watched that movie for the first time about six years ago, and I've never been able to watch it again. I tried, once, and got really freaked out and had to shut it off. It gave me bad dreams and I'm pretty sure it's responsible for me not being able to go to sleep at night without making sure the door is locked. Not that locking the door would help against the frickin' devil, but fear is often illogical. Like when little kids think pulling the covers over their head will protect them from monsters. Because no monster could ever possibly penetrate the safety of a comforter. Of course some people think my inability to rest until I'm sure the door is locked stems from my somewhat obsessive-compulsive personality, but what the hell do they know? 10/18/02 - So obviously I'm a great big liar. I said I updated every day, but I haven't been. I'm a bad, bad girl and I deserve to be punished. Any volunteers? I've been listening to Billy Idol today, and yes, I realize you're probably all laughing now, but I don't care. I like him and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It reminds me of when I was younger. I haven't updated lately because my life has been fairly boring. Well, except for having to get out in the pouring rain to fix my truck when it wouldn't start. That sucked. Oh, yeah, and I almost got run off the road by some idiot in big ass truck that same night. I guess that was pretty exciting but not in a good way. I've been working on the next chapter of Novus Ordo Seclorum, but it's going very slowly. I know what I want to have happen, but I'm having a hard time getting into it. Probably because the new season is on and it's hard to switch back and forth. Anyway. Maybe something neat will happen today and I can blog about it tomorrow. I won't hold my breath though. 10/15/02 - Well, I've officially fallen off the wagon. Although I don't know if other smokers would consider me a true smoker since I only have one a day. Not one pack, one cigarette. Right before bed. I guess it's better than smoking a pack and a half or two a day, but it's still not real healthy. And how much did I love Spike this week? Loved the basement scene, loved him coming to the rescue - "I'm a bad man." Yeah, you are baby, and that's just the way we love you! Also, psychic girl's "Someday she'll tell you." does wonders for my shippy little heart. I also loved the scene at Tara's grave. Very moving. Now. How much do I hate Zachary Ty Bryan (or Zachary Bryan as he's going by these days)? More than words can say. I'm sorry, but that kid can't act; he's just a big puffy blob. Anytime I see him in something I want to smack the casting director. Besides the lack of acting ability, something about him bugs me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I wish they hadn't chosen him as the head bad guy. Something about Xander bugged this week too; I have no clue what. Next week appears to be All. About. Anya. Wheee! Sign me up for that. 10/13/02 - So I worked out today and it was like, the best workout ever. Normally when I work out I can't wait till it's over, but today it just felt great. I felt good, I wasn't tired, and when it was over I felt more energetic than ever. It was a very strange experience; I wish working out was like that all the time because my body would be rock hard. I watched Angel tonight; it was great. Here's what I loved: Wesley - he is kicking some serious ass. Can you even imagine Buffy S3 Wes being able to do that kind of stuff? His voice even sounds different. Angel - I just generally liked him this ep., and I'm glad that he knows about W/L although I did wonder why he didn't vamp out when he was fighting. And was his hair different? Lilah because, well, she's Lilah. Here's what I could've done without: The Cordy stuff is already old. Either rescue her ass or quit showing her. Fred freaking out. I guess I can understand it, but it was still annoying. 10/12/02 - I meant to mention when I first started this blog that I totally ripped off this red on black theme from Valerie. Some people have insulted her site design, but I absolutely love it thus the blatant rip-off! I didn't want to be completely unoriginal though so I only used it here. So I just watched Queen of the Damned. There's a couple hours of my life that I'll never get back. And yes, I had heard that it sucked, but I like to form my own opinions so I watched it anyway. What a steaming pile of crap! Okay, Lestat was not really the Lestat I remembered, and apparently he wanted to be a rock star. Aw, isn't that nice. So then he falls in love with some chick he spent all of ten minutes with. And she keeps him from being all evil. Or something. I wasn't paying too much attention towards the end. I love vampire movies, but it's weird to watch them after having watched Buffy for so many years. The vampire mythology is all different and I find myself wishing it was a Buffy movie instead. Like in QotD when Lestat went to LA I said, "I guess Angel's gonna have to kick his ass." And that would've actually been nice. 'Cause Lestat really needed a good ass kicking. What a weenie. 10/11/02 - So I finally watched Birds of Prey, and it was pretty good. I think I'll have to see more before I decide if I like it or not. The first episode didn't immediately grab me so we'll have to see. I like the concept, and the acting was fairly solid, but... I don't know. There was nothing about it that really made me say, "Wow!" But then that's happening alot this season. I started watching Firefly because, hey! Joss Whedon! Is it everything I'd hoped? Nowhere near. Does it barely hold my attention as I drift into unconsciousness? I'd like to answer that question with a snore. John Doe? Great concept, lousy actor. Actually I don't know if it's the actor or the character, but the guy annoys me. Last episode he was less hyper and they deep-sixed the voiceover, which was a big improvement, but he still spouts useless knowledge for no reason. Yeah, I get it. He knows everything, but why does it just come pouring out of his frickin' yap all the time. I mean, I know alot about psychology and math, but I don't just spout off the theories of Freud and Jung when someone mentions thinking. Nor do I go into a detailed biography of Pythagoras whenever I see a triangle. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Birds of Prey is as bad as the other two, just that the new shows this season are fairly underwhelming. At least Buffy has gotten better this season. Otherwise, I'd probably give up on TV altogether. Well, that's a bold-faced lie, but you get my point. 10/10/02 - I was going to write about Birds of Prey today, but since I taped it and haven't gotten around to watching it I guess that'll have to wait till tomorrow. I did, however, tighten a loose battery cable on my truck last night and get it to start all by myself. For a girl who's never even changed a tire that is exciting stuff. That cigarette the other night has reawakened my cravings, but so far I haven't given in. It's tough though because it's getting cold up here, and every time I breathe in that cold, crisp air the urge hits me like a truck. I think it might be because my parents used to make me smoke outside in the winter to get me to quit. Thanks alot, guys! I made some buttons for the site last night and I really love them (yeah, I'm humble, right?). I think they're pretty and they were fun to make so - good for me. The one with Faith is kinda sexy looking, but I think that has more to do with Eliza than my Photoshop skills. Anyway, nothing much happened today so I'm done. 10/9/02 - So yesterday I was looking around the site making sure everything works right, and I noticed a few things. One was a typo that I immediately fixed (because I'm anal about stuff like that) and the other was that my hit counter doesn't work. Now I know people have been here, and I've been here a million times checking stuff out, but my hit counter just sits down there with its lonely looking little 1. I'm gonna get rid of it because it looks pathetic. I saw this commercial last night about breast cancer, and at the end they said, "Together we can lick breast cancer." Now what the hell kind of lame ass slogan is that? I'm all for raising money for research and all that to fight breast cancer, but seriously, is that really the image they want to leave us with? I don't think so. I watched Buffy last night, and I just have to say that I loved the Willow/Anya scenes, and Anya in general was great. She was funny and compassionate, and EC is great with subtle emotion. And Spike, I think that after last weeks amazing ending there should have been some follow up, but it was kind of brushed off. Does everyone know about the soul now? Did Buffy tell anyone, and what did they think about it? I want details people! 10/8/02 - So, I got the site up FINALLY, and man, was it a hassle. I planned to have it up last night, but I made one stupid mistake, and wound up having to fix everything. It was a huge frustration and I wound up giving in and smoking a cigarette. Best damn cigarette of my life. I have this email buddy who is just the sweetest person in the world. I sent them an email around six in the morning going on and on about my stupid mistake, and they emailed back with support, comfort, and advice. It really meant a lot; I think I’ll offer them a night of incredible sex as a reward. Aren’t I so nice to my friends? |